Sweet Toast Toppings

First off, sending good wishes to those in Houston/Texas during Hurricane Harvey, especially my sister and my friends from medical school! Alas, I know from first hand experience how prone Houston is to flooding.

Where there’s rain, there’s a rainbow, so I’m sharing this easy and very colorful breakfast idea – rainbow toast.

I’m a huge sucker for sales at groceries and found loaves of bread for 50 cents! Even though I had already bought two huge baguettes from Costco the day prior, I bought them up.

So now I had to figure out a way to use up all my bread; I figured no better idea than toast.

Growing up, we ate a lot of Nutella toast and peanut butter toast because it was cheap, easy, and portable. We especially them while traveling and during our golf competitions, back when I used to compete a lot.

This is a slightly more grown up and more colorful version of the plain toast I ate in when I was younger. I love trying out different combinations of fruit and spreads, especially before the summer fruit season ends.

I found it more efficient to make several of these toasts ahead of time, then save them for busy mornings the rest of the week. Make sure your bread is toasted prior and apply a generous spread of peanut/almond butter or Nutella to protect the fruit from making the bread soggy. Cream cheese does not keep as well so eat immediately.

This is the sweet toppings version, so stay tuned for the savory toppings.

Enjoy, and stay dry!

Sweet Toast Toppings

4 slices of bread
cream cheese
peanut butter / almond butter
dragon fruit
blueberries and honey
coconut flakes and chocolate chips
peaches and basil

Toast your bread and slice in half diagonally. Choose your spread and topping in various combinations. Enjoy!

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  1. That sounds interesting! The only fruit I eat with bread was banana but i definetly have to try it with other stuff now! Especially with strawberries !

  2. Okay you are helping me look at toast in a whole new way!! WOW! These are not only delicious sounding but also lovely! Thanks for the ideas for spicing up my bread!! =)

  3. This is a great way to add fruit to breakfast without giving up on toast! The colours are beautiful and it's sure to please even the fussiest of eaters!

  4. Yum these look amazing! I'm a bit of a sweet tooth so I'd definitely enjoy these, especially The coconut Flakes and Chocolate Chips! For me it is finding time to make them – and with my boy too! But maybe I can work on these on the weekends. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Ah, these look so tasty! Especially the blueberries and honey toast. I would never think to make these ahead of time, as I haaate soggy bread, but I will give one of the peanut butter toasts a try as a to-go breakfast one day. Love your website name, by the way!

  6. What a great variety of options! I never think to put more than spreads on toast, so this is a great list of ideas out of the box (for me). I need to try some strawberries…yum!