sweetgreen curry chickpea salad

Sweetgreen Curry Chickpea Salad

Usually salads aren’t my go-to foods, but Sweetgreen is the exception. They have the most addicting salads.

I first tried Sweetgreen salads in NYC when B introduced me to it, and I was shocked my husband was willingly buying salads at restaurants. Every once in a while, he goes on a health kick and buys Sweetgreen salads when he wants to go on a cleanse (usually after the holidays or after indulging too much while traveling).

I figured these salads should be pretty easy to re-create as all the ingredients are listed right on the menu. I even tried to mimic how they displayed the salads, since they’re just so vibrant and beautiful.

The first one I wanted to make was their Curry chickpea salad – the first one I ever tried, and it’s one of my favorites.

sweetgreen curry chickpea salad

The salad came quite close but the dressing is still a work in progress. My dressing for this is adapted from Dietician Debbie. B loved the dressing, even though it doesn’t taste the same at Sweetgreen’s.

Even though we have a few Sweetgreen restaurants near our apartment, I’ve been enjoying my copycat version (as well as the cost savings!). B has even asked me to make it again, which he never asks when I make salads. Enjoy!

Sweetgreen Curry Chickpea Salad

2 cups spinach, chopped
1/2 cup chickpeas, roasted in olive oil
1/3 cup shredded carrots
1/3 cup shredded cabbage
1/4 cup raisins or craisins
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup roasted almonds
1/2 cup warm quinoa
cooked rotisserie chicken

1 tablespoon olive oil + 1/2 cup olive oil
1/4 cup chopped yellow onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
1/2 cup plain yogurt
2 tablespoons tahini (I used sesame oil as a substitute)
1/2 teaspoon fresh squeezed lime juice
smoked paprika, salt, and pepper to taste

Combine all the salad ingredients in a bowl or plate (I arranged mine with separated ingredients, but you can mix them all together).

Heat the 1 tablespoon olive oil in a non-stick skillet and sauté the onion and garlic for 2-3 minutes until tender and translucent.

Add the rest of the olive oil, onions, garlic, curry, yogurt, sesame oil, lime, and spices to a food processor. Puree until smooth (add more oil if necessary to thin it out). Drizzle the dressing over the salad. Store any extra in an airtight container in the fridge.

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