Hello! I’m Natalie
physician, Baker, photographer, mom
Name: Natalie Uy Chef Uy (now Chef Uy, MD!)
About me:
I’m a premed / medical student / internal medicine resident/ hematology-oncology fellow / hematology-oncology attending physician (finally!) I study. I doodle. I cook, bake, and eat!
Email: obsessivecooking@gmail.com
Obsessive Cooking Disorder (lovingly known as OCD) was originally a random collection of recipes. I started this food blog as a Stanford undergraduate who needed to cook during my summer research months. I would constantly experiment with recipes, but kept forgetting which recipe I used or what changes I made, so I started OCD to record my “culinary endeavors”.
My foodblog grew in medical school since there was no more cafeteria / dorm food!. I’ve always loved baking, but couldn’t live on cookies and brownies, and thus expanded the range of recipes.
I love inventing recipes, taking food photography, finding the history/science/random facts about food, and documenting stories. I’ve food blogged through medical school, residency, fellowship, being an attending, and I plan to continue as long as I’m eating!
“B” is my fiance / now husband and ever diligent food taster (he prefers to remain mysterious, and thus goes by his first initial). We both love to eat! Our family has grown by a freckled fox and two little girls through the years.