Roasted Chicken with Orange and Sage

B and I recently celebrated our six months since our wedding (yay!). Six months ago on our marriage day, we still had no clue what residencies we’d be training at yet or what part of the United States we’d be living in for the next 3+ years. Fast forward to now, and we’re settling into being doctors/surgeons and into (semi long distance) married life.

Nothing is more domestic than a roast chicken, and seeing how I received the hilarious cookbook 50 Shades of Chicken from my aunt on my bridal shower, I thought it was time to celebrate with a recipe from the book.

For those who may feel that a book with the title “50 Shades of anything” is not for them, I do suggest you actually check this book out. While the recipes and the titles are seductive parodies, the recipes look delicious, with excellent pictures and instructions. It’s also a great bridal shower gift for any future brides who love to cook or want to learn.

Thank you to my aunt, for her sense of humor and her appreciation of good cooking 🙂 Definitely one of my favorite bridal shower gifts. This is the first recipe we tried from the book, and looking forward to trying more.

This recipe is adapted from Roasted Chicken with Tangerines and Sage, based on what ingredients we had. We had a very delicious and romantic meal pairing this chicken with my Balsamic Strawberry Spinach Salad.

Alas, B had to return back to New York for work the next day, but dinner together once a week (rather than a Skype dinner) is really special. Keeping it all in perspective!

PS. If you want the more raunchy descriptions on preparing your chicken, I recommend getting the actual book 50 Shades of Chicken as the writing style is quite entertaining.

Roasted Chicken with Orange and Sage

1 3-4 lb chicken, patted dry with paper towels
salt and pepper, to taste
1 orange, cut into slices
1 bunch fresh sage
extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling

Preheat oven to 400 F. Season chicken all over, including cavity, with salt and pepper. Stuff the cavity with orange slices and sage.

Place stuffed chicken, breast side up and take butcher’s twine and truss the chicken (great quick video tutorial here, which is much better than I can explain in typing) for even cooking, maintaining shape, and keeping the flavor inside.

Place chicken breast side up on a rack set over a rimmed baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and roast until juices run clear where pierced with a knife, and the skin is crisp and golden. Let rest for 10 min before cutting/carving it. Enjoy!

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  1. This sounds incredible! How did you get your chicken to be the perfect marriage of outside crispiness and inside juiciness. Wow! You're amazing. =) The addition of orange and sage sounds mouthwatering. Love it.