Green Onion and Spinach Omelet
Hello from New York City! Fourth year medical school after match is basically vacation time – many of my classmates have gone all over the world. My friends and I took an East coast trip to Boston – New York City, which was super fun – I hadn’t been to either of those cities since I was a little child.
B joined us halfway when we were in NYC. On our last day we saw our first Broadway Show ever! We got “rush tickets” (aka buying tickets the day of at a steep discount) for Something Rotten.

Something Rotten a musical comedy and parody where Shakespeare is a rockstar god known as “The Bard.” Basically a frustrated competing playwright, Nick, attempts to find out what Shakespeare’s greatest hit will be with a soothesayer – who unfortunately mixes up “Hamlet” with “Omelet” in his vision. The plot of course goes haywire, as there’s literally a broadway number called “It’s Eggs.”
B was not a musicals fan, but after Something Rotten, he loves them. Apparently, heavy classics like Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera, and Fiddler on the Roof just isn’t his type.

B is an expert in all things eggs – I’m horrible with making perfect fluffy omelets. These eggs are actually from his friend’s dad who’s raising 25 chickens! B swears these eggs are thicker and richer; we like to add egg whites to make it lighter (and healthier).
Fun fact: Chickens will only lay eggs when they’re super fat and happy so you give them a special protein packed feed. Also the eggs are extremely irregular, with varying colors, shapes, and size.
I now present to you Hamlet… er, I mean omelet 😉
Green Onion and Spinach Omelet
1 egg
3 tablespoons kirkland egg whites (B’s favorite brand)
3/4 – 1 cup spinach
1 tablespoon olive oil
salt and pepper, to taste
1 stalk greenonion, diced
In a bowl, beat the egg and egg whites until the egg is one color and consistency.
Heat the pan to medium-high. Add 1 tsp oil to the pan. Add the spinach and let it cook until it shrinks and shrivels. Add the egg to the spinach and make sure the egg coats the entire bottom of the pan. Move the spinach around to make sure the egg gets underneath that as well. Reduce the heat to medium
When the egg is no longer liquid and begins to solidify add cheese on top of the spinach. Fold the half the egg onto itself. Season to taste and serve with tomato wedges and green onion slices
We have our own farm eggs and nothing taste better. We love a great omelet
This looks so yummy and healthy! A total win-win. I am bookmarking this so I can try to make it this weekend!!
Bree ||
I am not really an egg eater but this looks really good.
This looks delicious. My omlettes never look that good.
I love egg white omelettes! This sounds tasty. 🙂
My nonno has his own farm, so our eggs are always the best. 🙂
Christie's Take on Life. x
Love eggs and this looks delish!
Making this for my boyfriend Saturday. Thanks for sharing 🙂
it's true that eggs that aren't from the grocery store are extraordinarily better than ones that are! great omelet. 🙂
i haven't seen a broadway show, but it's definitely on the bucket list!
This looks so good. I am tempted to get some chickens for a while now.
I love a nice light omelette like this for breakfast! I used to love doing zucchini in mine, but spinach is great also 🙂
Oh yum! I'm always looking for new breakfast recipes, and this is perfect!
Wow.. This looks delicious .. Got to try these with spinach
Yum! My uncle tried to raise chicken for eggs in his backyard – except the home owners association in the neighborhood cracked down (since he's in the city) and he had to give them away sadly.
hope you enjoy it 😀
Try egg whites perhaps – it's really fluffy and doesn't taste "eggy". I didn't like eggs much because of the yolk as a kid (but that's changed clearly hehe)
Mine don't look that good either (more scrambled than omelette) – B does the egg flipping for me! 🙂
Nice! Wish I had a nonna like that. B thinks farm raised eggs are so much better!
hope you and he liked it!
If you go – get rush tickets. You don't get to choose your seating exactly, but it's much cheaper and the singing / dancing is just as good 🙂
I really wanted some chicks as a kid – they're so cute. Chicken are adorable too – especially the chubby egg laying ones 🙂
Zucchini is an interesting addition! I'll have to try that 🙂
Enjoy! The green onions add a nice flavor
That's a damn fine looking omelet! Whoever made it clearly know whats he's doing 😀