Jollibee’s Peach Mango Pie

Jollibee is the McDonalds of the Philippines. The owner started with a Magnolia Ice Cream parlor in Quezon City (where my grandparents live) and switched to hot dogs after they found a bigger market. Of course now they added their famous Chicken Joy, Sweet Filipino Spaghetti, Palabok, and Halo Halo, to their products, but most importantly, they have Peach Mango Pie.

Did I ever mention I am a pie girl? Any day, everyday, I’d choose pie over cake.

And they opened up chains in my own town! I have recently discovered we have a new little Filipino hub not far from my apartment – I have several Filipino restaurants, fast food joints, and bakeries all within 15 minutes.

Jollibee was the first to open, and it made big news in the Filipino community. My uncle even drove his family 5 hours to visit Jollibee, er I mean, me!

Mangoes and peaches are two of my favorite fruits, so of course I had to learn how to make this baby. It’d be simpler to make a normal pie, but I wanted the rectangle-shaped hand pie, just like from Jollibee. I happen to be a masochist in the kitchen.

I found a new type of pie crust pastry recipe containing cream cheese, which I thought was an odd ingredient. I adapted two recipes – one from The Pie and Pastry Bible (Epicurious) and one from Allrecipes for my version.

I made a few hand pies, but it was tough since I only had a knife and my unsteady hands; it’s way better to use a uniform sized cutter. Also I found the dough very soft and hard to handle. I gave up halfway and made the rest into normal mini pies.

Although this dough is a little more effort than the traditional pastry, it’s really worth it because the flaky texture is amazing!

The hand pie version hold less fruit (I over ambitiously filled some, causing a few combustion casualties) but is a handy on-the-go snack. Either way, they tasted heavenly – just like Jollibee’s. Mmmnnnn, those Filipinos know how to make killer pies.

Jollibee’s Peach Mango Pie

1/2 cup cream cheese, cold
1/2 stick cup unsalted butter, cold
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
optional: 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/4 teaspoon baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
optional: milk, for brushing

1 cup cubed mangoes *
1 cup cubed peaches *
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 tablespoon lemon juice

CREAM CHEESE PIE CRUST: Cut cream cheese and butter into pieces. Add flour and combine. Add salt, sugar, baking powder, and lemon juice. Your dough should form coarse crumbs. Wrap into a ball and cover with plastic wrap; chill for at least an hour in the refrigerator.

PEACH MANGO PIE: Preheat oven to 375F. Line tray with parchment paper.

In a mixing bowl combine fruit, sugar, cinnamon, cornstarch, and lemon juice. Let fruit sit over a strainer to drain excess liquid. Microwave your fruit for about 1-2 minutes and then restrain liquids again, to thicken.

To assemble, roll out your crust thinly into a sheet and cut into rectangles with a knife. Spoon fruit filling on one rectangle, then cover with another rectangle of crust to make your hand pie. Press down the edges with a fork to seal. Poke vent holes on top to let steam out. Brush top with milk if desired for golden color when baking.

Bake for 30 minutes or until crust turns golden brown.

* if making an open face normal sized pie instead of hand pies, increase the fruit to 2 cups each and you may need to extend the baking time.

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  1. You are so lucky to be near so many Filipino restaurants and bakeries. My only option is to cook it for myself. This looks so yummy! Beautiful photography!

  2. Are you based in Texas? Heard that Jollibee opening was fairly recent.

    Where'd you get sweet mangoes? tried mangoes here (from Mexico), but not the same 🙁 Sadly I have not tasted a mango is as sweet as the ones I grew up eating in the PH

  3. Where in Texas is the Jolibee? Texas is big.. & thnx for the recipe. Peach & mango pies are the only food i like in Jolibee.

  4. Hi it says on the recipe 1/2 unsalted butter, is that 1/2 cup of butter?? Please reply Im gonna try this out tomorrow.

  5. Hi there! this recipe is absolutely delicious my mum says it is even better that Jollibee's! I was the anonymous that asked about the butter… this cream cheese pie crust is to die for! Thanks! Now just a question, I'm planning on turning this into small tartlets with a muffin tin do make changes with the baking time? And method? Will really appreciate a reply. Thanks again!

  6. Yes, if baking with smaller containers, reduce the baking time. However, these handpies are pretty small already – normally it's 30 min, so I'd start checking every 3 min or so after 20 min. If it's open faced, it'll bake faster.

    Go by the crust – when it's golden brown, it's done!

  7. hi,

    they look delish! last time i had 'em was 2 years ago.. i wanna make them this weekend.. can i use canned fruit as fresh and frozen mangoes aren't available dito sa bundok tralala kung nasan ako ATM.. 🙂

    a response would be pretty much appreciated.. thank you so much for sharing.. 🙂

  8. Hi! Thanks for posting this recipe. Ive been looking for one. I believe Jollibee fries their peach mango pies so ill try frying them like empanadas. I am not good at baking them. Parang bato nung sinubukan ko sa empanada before. Hehehehhehe!

  9. Hello! I was putting the crust together and your recipe had said this: "1/2 stick cup unsalted butter, cold." Did you mean 1/2 stick or 1/2 cup? Thanks in advance (:

  10. Oh and I also tried to deep fry some of the pie and let me tell you, it did not want to cook. The outside cooked much faster than I had anticipated so the inside was partially raw still. I had fried it in 375 F oil for 1-2 mins on each side. I suppose if you really wanted to fry them, you could bake them through and then fry them the rest of the way.. we'll have to try that next time (: otherwise, very good recipe! Tasted delicious and i recommend everyone to try it out.

  11. Thank you so much for this recipe, i tried this last year twice, the first time i did, i baked them, it's kinda hard, i'm not sure if it's because i did not rolled them quite thin, the second time, i fried them and they were great. I am going to try them again today. And if anyone is trying to fry them as well, roll them thin, not very thin as the filling might spill, and fry in low heat. you'll have great results.