Rainbow Layer Popsicles

Izzy told me she wanted rainbow popsicles and asked if I could make some for her.

Rainbow popsicles looked really cool on Pinterest, and being a mom who wanted to make her preschooler happy, I told her sure, I’ll make them for her.

I was inspired by The First Year Blog, but changed the ingredients to fit our favorite fruits. I significantly cut back on the amount from her recipe since I realized the original ratios made way too much for a single batch.

I wanted perfect layers so I was determined to freeze each layer in between. This was pretty time consuming, and I ended up finishing around 1am.

The popsicles turned out amazingly beautiful and I was so proud of my photography as well.

However, my preschooler decided she didn’t want rainbow popsicles anymore, and asked for strawberry popsicles instead! (At least Alanna ate the rainbow popsicles)

Izzy: Mommy, I want rainbow popsicles, can you make some?
Me: sure *stays up til 1am to make them*
Izzy: Actually, I changed my mind, I don’t want rainbow popsicles, I just want strawberry popsicles
(When your private chef client is a picky preschooler who changes her orders like her outfits)

To be honest, the girls ended up preferring solid flavored popsicles. I think there were too many flavors going on, and most little kids don’t like their food to mix. But at least my rainbow popsicles looked cool and impressed my adult friends!

Rainbow Layer Popsicles


  • 1/4 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1/4 cup frozen strawberries
  • coconut milk as needed to blend
  • 1/4 cup frozen mango
  • 1/4 cup strawberries
  • orange juice as needed to blend
  • 1/4 cup frozen mango
  • 1/4 cup frozen passion fruit
  • coconut milk as needed to blend
  • 1/4 cup avocado
  • 1/4 cup spinach
  • coconut milk as needed to blend
  • sugar to taste
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1-2 drops blue food coloring optional
  • coconut milk as needed to blend
  • 1/4 cup frozen mixed berries
  • coconut milk as needed to blend
  • 1/4 cup frozen pink dragon fruit
  • 1/4 cup raspberries
  • coconut milk as needed to blend


  • Blend ingredients for red layer until smooth. Carefully pour until the popsicle mold. Optional, but I suggest placing mold in freezer for about 10 min between layers for more defined colors. Repeat for each color layer. Insert sticks into your popsicle mold and then freeze overnight.
  • To release the popsicles from the mold, run warm water along the mold (avoiding getting water into the popsicles) and push the popsicle. Enjoy!

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