Raspberry Chocolate Tart with Gingersnap Crust

As Valentines/ our anniversary comes up, gift giving becomes a challenge when you’ve been together for so long.

 B: What do you want for Valentine’s / anniversary gifts?

Me: Eh, I don’t need things… but how about an experience doing something?
B: *googles “New Haven Experiences” *

B actually did a great job and booked a glassblowing class. It was so fun – we decided what we wanted to make (vase, glass, ornament, flower, paperweight), picked our colors,  then heated, rolled, and blew the glass (with assistance of course since glass making can definitely be dangerous). While next to the fire, I felt like my skin was melting off.

The finished item needs to cool for a few days, then it’s ready to go. Can’t wait to use my new glass!

In regards to Valentine’s day, there’s no better way to my heart than berries and chocolate. B knows – that’s how he bribed me to date him in the beginning.

B: My pickup line in 2 words. Infinite. Berries. 
Me: *swoons*

He wasn’t that smooth, but that’s how it started (in his head). In reality, it was more of a struggle catching my attention thanks to “Natalie’s obliviousness,” but that’s for another day.

To celebrate, here’s a raspberry chocolate ganache filled tart made with gingersnaps for the crust. Fruits, especially berries, are lagging up in the northeast winter but when you find them, they’re precious. Enjoy!

Raspberry Chocolate Tart with Gingersnap Crust

8 ounces gingersnap cookies (about 32 cookies), coarsely broken
1/4 cup (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted
Pinch of salt

12 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
1 cup heavy whipping cream
2 large egg yolks
1 large egg
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of salt
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped crystallized ginger

For crust:
Preheat oven to 325°F. Finely grind gingersnap cookies in processor (yielding 1 1/2 to 1 2/3 cups). Add melted butter and salt; process until moistened. Press crumb mixture firmly onto bottom and up sides of 9-inch-diameter tart pan with removable bottom. Place pan on rimmed baking sheet.

For filling:
Combine finely chopped bittersweet chocolate and heavy whipping cream in heavy medium saucepan. Whisk over low heat until chocolate is melted and smooth. Remove saucepan from heat. Whisk egg yolks, egg, sugar, flour, ground black pepper, and salt in medium bowl to blend. Very gradually whisk chocolate mixture into egg mixture until smooth and blended. Pour chocolate filling into crust.

Bake chocolate tart until filling puffs slightly at edges and center is softly set, about 30 minutes. Transfer to rack. Sprinkle chopped crystallized ginger over top. Cool tart in pan 20 minutes. Gently remove tart pan sides and cool tart completely.

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One Comment

  1. This looks amazing. Perfect for Valentine! There's just something about chocolates and raspberries 🙂 PS: that glassblowing class sounds amazing too!

  2. These look sooo good! Raspberries and chocolate make a wonderful combination. Plus, they are super cute!