Spiked Coffee with Bailey’s and Kahlua

It’s New Year’s Eve, and for the first time, our family isn’t celebrating together – Dad had to fly off to the Philippines to visit because of a family illness. Since Dad isn’t here, we aren’t hosting our usual New Year’s bash. This is the first time we haven’t spent New Year’s at a party, making the whole scenario even stranger.

Regardless, we Uy kiddos and Mom are having a swell time celebrating with oodles of food, sweets, and of course, plenty of alcoholic concoctions. The four of us (plus our dog Snowball) can party it up just fine.

Mom wanted to make this coffee spiked with Bailey’s and Kahlua; she needs the coffee to stay awake til midnight and the liqueur for festivity. Mom also got to try her new Christmas present, a milk frother, and I got to play with Dad’s new Christmas present – a really awesome Nikon flash from the kids. These pictures were taken with all the lights off at night time- isn’t that incredible?!  I might have to *borrow* dad’s gift, since fighting the lack of natural light is my constant nemesis in food photography.

As a lazy homebody right now, I feel perfectly content (and blessed) to spend a quiet New Year’s at home in pajamas. All you need is family, a movie, and alcohol to welcome 2015. As mom’s famous tagline goes, “The celebration continues!”

Spiked Coffee with Bailey’s and Kahlua

1/2 oz Bailey’s Irish cream Liqueur
1/2 oz Kahlua
4 oz hot coffee
frothed milk or whipped cream (storebought or homemade)

Froth your milk using a frother. Another option is to use a blender then carefully scoop the top foam off.

Pour Baileys and Kahlua into Irish coffee glass. Fill glass with hot coffee. Top with frothed milk or whipped cream and serve immediately.

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